Category Archives: conscience


So, finally! I get time to write what I learnt today! Conscience ill narrate you specific crime incident here took place in a city called Pune ages before! There’s a taxi driver who has some grudge with a family! In this family there’s a couple! Wife is 7 months pregnant! and grand mother!
One noon, this taxi driver enter in drunk conditions in their home! Man was not there, because of his job! This Ravi driver raped his wife! And her wife start bleeding! Then in anger he chopped her fingers with knife! She start bleeding heavily! Soon grand me came out but got murdered by that fellow! Now he walk away thinking that both were dead! Now husband arrived for lunch n saw all this! He quick went to hospital where grand ma declared dead and wife some how rescued!
Later in high court this taxi driver punished to hang till death! Which later apex court turns Into life sentence!
Whole country confused!
Later court said: this man is completely under the influence of alcohol! He has no past record of such crime! So as per law, it’s not favourable to reward him death sentence!
Conscience of all and court—different! Guided by laws